Construction cradle construction

Sale of scaffolds, lifting equipment and formwork in Kiev and Ukraine

Construction cradle device - characteristics and dimensions, how is the construction cradle arranged?

The news has been published: 14.04.2021

Construction cradle device - characteristics and dimensions, how is the construction cradle arranged?

Building of any building takes place in a few stages. For each of them a certain equipment and building materials are needed. At erection of pitch building use building cradles or lifts. Due to these constructions it is possible to accelerate work, except it is their safe conduct.

Determination of building cradle

Building cradle device, that can lift and drop workers, instrument or building material. It replaced the building of forests, as the modern building is high enough.

As a building cradle is arranged

Without regard to that the production of building cradles became the sphere of activity of many companies already, the principle of the suspended basket remains unchanging.

In the basket of facade cradle included:

  • durable framework from steel;
  • platform foot, covered by folios from a metal with anti-skid corrugation;
  • engine;
  • ropes;
  • winch for getting up and lowering of cradle,
  • ловитель for insurance of the rope system on a case snatches of steel rope;
  • brake work in case of setting off power supply or at an overload;
  • cantilevers for setting of cradle;
  • counter-cargo for cantilevers.

Due to the device of building a cradle it is possible to set her directly on the roof of the object. Also, it envisages the mandatory members of safety. Far-sighted in the construction of building cradle wheels are added for the movement of basket on an even surface.

Today producers produce the facade cradles of different sizes, taking into account circumstance that not always works identical.

Basic descriptions and sizes of building cradle

At a choice it is necessary to take into account:

  1. Length of basket - distinguish three most popular типоразмеров of cradles: 6, 4 and a 2 m. Undoubtedly, then more volume of works, the wider there must be a cradle. What more basket, the more people in her placed. So, in a basket long a 6 m, 4 men can easily take place. 
  2. Length of rope - if working is necessary on the object of small height, then an equipment will suit with length of rope a 50 m, but in case with high building the requirement of length of rope must make a 100 m.
  3. Carrying capacity - this index is equal to approximately 630 kg, that it is important to take into account in the case when in a basket yet load additional materials for maintenance of building. Besides it, it is necessary also to take into account the weight of personnel.
  4. Sheeting of basket is can be zincked or painted by a powder-like paint. In any case the framework is made from steel, but the surface with the purpose of corrosion protection cover the layer of powder-like paint or layer of zinc. Each of these variants is protected metal from development of corrosion, the protracted term of exploitation is provided as a result. Durability is here identical.

What works can be executed from the basket of facade cradle

Modern facade lifts are equipment of suspended-type, that can walk up a large height. Using them is possible for:

  • warming of walls;
  • revetments;
  • repair of building;
  • options of conditioners;
  • washing of windows;
  • repair of the electric systems;
  • repair of bridges;
  • repair of courts;
  • engineering and building works.

Advantages of collaboration with a company Pioner

If a building cradle is required to you, then will pay attention to us. Our company gives similar services in this sphere 20 more than. For all the time we succeeded to realize many projects and get a wide client base. 

We work on territory of all Ukraine, not only with clients from Kyiv. Except it, there are products and on an export.

We offer the quality and reliable equipment intended for works on height of. In particular, we offer the lease of lifts and

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